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ROS Packages Tutorial#

This is a set of example settings.json, roslaunch, and rviz files to provide a starting point for using AutonomySim with ROS. See autonomysim_ros_pkgs for the ROS API.

tf: ROS transforms

We use the abbreviation tf herein to refer to ROS transforms, as provided by the ROS tf2 library.


Make sure that the autonomysim_ros_pkgs setup has been completed and the prerequisites installed.

cd PATH_TO/AutonomySim/ros
catkin build autonomysim_tutorial_pkgs

If your default gcc is less than or equal to version 8 (see gcc --version output), compilation will fail. In that case, use gcc-11 explicitly as follows:

catkin build autonomysim_tutorial_pkgs -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-11 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-11


When running examples and opening a new terminal, sourcing the setup.bash file is necessary. If you're using the ROS wrapper frequently, it might be helpful to add the source PATH_TO/AutonomySim/ros/devel/setup.bash to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc to avoid needing to run this command every time a new terminal is opened.


Single drone with monocular and depth cameras, and LiDAR#

source PATH_TO/AutonomySim/ros/devel/setup.bash
roscd autonomysim_tutorial_pkgs
cp settings/front_stereo_and_center_mono.json ~/Documents/AutonomySim/settings.json

# Start your unreal package or binary here
roslaunch autonomysim_ros_pkgs autonomysim_node.launch;

# in a new pane / terminal
source PATH_TO/AutonomySim/ros/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch autonomysim_tutorial_pkgs front_stereo_and_center_mono.launch

The above would start rviz with tfs, registered RGB-D cloud using depth_image_proc using the depth_to_pointcloud launch file, and the LiDAR point cloud.

Multi-drone with cameras, LiDARs, and IMUs#

Where N = 2 in this case.

source PATH_TO/AutonomySim/ros/devel/setup.bash
roscd autonomysim_tutorial_pkgs
cp settings/two_drones_camera_lidar_imu.json ~/Documents/AutonomySim/settings.json

# Start your unreal package or binary here
roslaunch autonomysim_ros_pkgs autonomysim_node.launch;
roslaunch autonomysim_ros_pkgs rviz.launch

You can view the tfs in rviz. And do a rostopic list and rosservice list to inspect the services avaiable.

Twenty-five drones in a square pattern#

source PATH_TO/AutonomySim/ros/devel/setup.bash
roscd autonomysim_tutorial_pkgs
cp settings/twenty_five_drones.json ~/Documents/AutonomySim/settings.json

# Start your unreal package or binary here
roslaunch autonomysim_ros_pkgs autonomysim_node.launch;
roslaunch autonomysim_ros_pkgs rviz.launch

You can view the tfs in rviz. And do a rostopic list and rosservice list to inspect the services avaiable.